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A drummer in a suit performing in a green room

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A World of Music in the Heart of the City

Elevate your musicianship and earn your music degree through the most accessible, affordable, and diverse university in Colorado. The Department of Music at MSU Denver boasts state-of-the-art performance venues and a faculty of innovative musicians, scholars, and composers. Our modern curriculum flows through classical, jazz, commercial, and global music to help you navigate the broad range of career opportunities that exist for the 21st-century musician.

Join an Ensemble!

Our ensembles are open to all MSU Denver students, whether you are pursuing a music degree or not!

Learn More About Ensembles

Advising Information for Music Students

Advising Information for Music Department students, courtesy of Dr. Carla Aguilar.

Support Music Students

Your generous donations help MSU Denver Music students pursue their dreams. Learn more about how you can donate to Music Department scholarships.

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About the Department of Music


National Association of Schools of Music

National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education

Department of Music

Main Office Location: AR 287
Main Office: 303-615-1010
Kalamath Building: 303-615-0388

Faculty & Staff Directory

Arts Building Address: 1150 10th St. Plaza, Denver CO 80204

Mailing Address:

Metropolitan State University of Denver
Department of Music
Campus Box 58
P.O. Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217-3362

Shipping Address:

Metropolitan State University of Denver
Department of Music
c/o Auraria Receiving
1201 Fifth Street
Denver, CO 80204


Whether you have questions about your instrument, the music degree you’re interested in, or ensembles, we are here to help. Feel free to reach out to us, or fill out a contact card and we’ll reach out to you.